Friday, September 15, 2017

我们有活动啦 Please visit us this Mid-Autumn Festival!

"月亮圆,月亮圆,月亮照在我的家。"熟悉的歌谣在耳边响起...这个中秋佳节跟家人团聚,开开心心吃月饼, 赏月的同时何不沏壶好茶,让这中秋节更加甜滋滋,幸福满满。【9月26日-10月4日】,古吉祥将在【tHe Spring】Kuching 参展。


《Mid-Autumn Festival》
One of the loveliest Chinese festivals is the Mid-Autumn Festival. You can make the Mid-Autumn festival by celebrating it with KJS And with your family, lantern processions, oh-so-sweet moon cakes and of course ,TEA to make the whole festival complete for your taste buds.
Come and join KJS for a cup of good tea at 【tHe Spring】Kuching between 26 Sept to 4 Oct. You & your love ones will be transported back into ancient times where moon cake was enjoyed with a cup of great tea under the moon light and colourful lanterns.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

喝茶的享受 【Enjoyment of tea drinking】

喝茶离不开壶。一杯好茶再配上一把雅致的壺; 是一种视觉上与生活上的享受。现在就让我们一起来喝茶~

Tea pot always goes with tea drinking. A nice cup of tea along with an elegant pot is indeed an enjoyment, both in life & visually. Let's have some tea now ~

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