Thursday, November 23, 2017

山居秋暝 The Autumn Sky of a Village




名额有限 欢迎来电报名!

日期:10.12.2017 (星期日)

时间:2.30pm - 5.00pm
联系电话: 0111-055 3062 (Jennifer)


KJS Tea Ceremony – 【The Autumn Sky of a Village】

Have you ever wonder what it is like to have tea in cool & breezy autumn days; or imagine the atmosphere where tea was enjoyed in an ancient era?

KJS has again invited Master Yao from Taiwan to take our tea lovers to a passage of ancient times – a time where tea was enjoyed in cool & breezy autumn days, overlooking the beautiful scenery of a village under the autumn sky. This is a tea ceremony that will touch your heart and take you on a transforming journey that you will never forget. 

For tea lovers out there, you will not want to miss this unique experience with KJS! Seat is limited, please call to enroll.

Date:10.12.2017 (Sunday)

Time:2.30pm - 5.00pm
Contact: 0111-055 3062 (Jennifer)

Friday, November 3, 2017

【山居秋暝】品茗會 Tea Ceremony - 【The Autumn Sky of a Village】




“听秋吃茶,只须携一份平静的心情,忘记红尘的喧嚣。 一叶乾坤,就让手中的茶带我们进入落叶漫天的秋世界,耳边只剩秋的声音,开启秋高气爽的惬意心境。”

名额有限 欢迎来电报名

日期:10.12.2017 (星期日)
时间:2.30pm - 5.00pm
联系电话: 0111-055 3062 (Jennifer)


KJS Tea Ceremony – 【The Autumn Sky of a Village】
Have you ever wonder what it is like to have tea in cool & breezy autumn days; or imagine the atmosphere where tea was enjoyed in an ancient era?

KJS has again invited Master Yao from Taiwan to take our tea lovers to a passage of ancient times – a time where tea was enjoyed in cool & breezy autumn days, overlooking the beautiful scenery of a village under the autumn sky. This is a tea ceremony that will touch your heart and take you on a transforming journey that you will never forget.

“The taste of an authentic tea can be enjoyed with a quiet mind,
Whilst in the midst of lingering Autumn months.
The hustle & bustle of the busy world is soon forgotten,
With a cup of tea warmly clasped in your hands.
Experience the bliss of your heart and open yourself to a 
Mindset of tranquility and peace.”

For tea lovers out there, you will not want to miss this unique experience with KJS! Seat is limited, please call to enroll.

Date:10.12.2017 (Sunday)
Time:2.30pm - 5.00pm
Contact: 0111-055 3062 (Jennifer)

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