Wednesday, December 28, 2016


















Source: 2015-11-14 茗静同学 友茗天

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Tea


Didn't know drinking tea can bring so much health benefits! Tea is not only aromatic but also healthy. Gonna switch to drinking tea!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

冬至愉快! Happy Winter Solstice Festival!


May snow brings happiness, the wind brings good fortunate and the frost brings warmth, and the earth brings happiness & safety together.

KJS Tea House would like to wish everyone "Happy Winter Solstice Festival". May your "winter" be happy and safe~

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Health Benefits of Chinese Tea

Tea was considered an elixir in ancient China. The legendary founder of herbology, Shen Nong, contributed to the development of Chinese medicine with his extensive knowledge of herbs; he tested hundreds of herbs, including poisonous ones in order to distinguish those which had medicinal value from those which did not. He drank tea to counteract the effects of eating poisonous herbs.

According to TCM understanding, tea has both sweet and bitter flavors and possesses cooling properties. Tea helps to refresh the mind, enhance alertness and boost concentration. Tea can also promote body fluid production, quench thirst, clear heat and phlegm, promotes digestion and urination. Traditionally it is used as"

  • A beverage to relieve indigestion and smooth bowel movements. It is especially good when combined with Tetradium ruticarpum (wu zhu yu 吴茱萸), ginger or green onion. It is also used to relieve headaches, dizziness, heat stroke and sleepiness.
  • An antidote to clear toxic heat evils by promoting bowel movements and urination.
  • When tea is processed with vinegar, it can relieve diarrhea. Decoction of fried tea can treat dysentery.
  • A concentrated decoction of tea is used to expel phlegm due to wind evil and heat invasion.
Modern studies have found that tea contains more than 300 chemical substances, such as catechin, caffeine, flavonol, butyric acid, vitamins, minerals, pectin, saccharides and saponin. These ingredients work on the central nervous and cardiovascular system by acting as antioxidants, muscular relaxants and diuretics; they promote gastric secretions as well as inhibit bacterial growth. These pharmacological effects have the following health benefits:

  • Improve the immune system, slow down aging and can help prevent cancer;
  • Lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis;
  • Prevent tooth decay, freshen the breathe and assist in digestion;
  • Enhance the eliminating functions of the kidneys.

Friday, December 16, 2016

古吉祥与大家初次见面~ It was nice meeting you :)


International Tea Day has ended with success. Thank you for coming over to taste our tea. We hope you like or LOVE our tea and left your mind refreshed! If you like our tea, please don't hesitate to contact us. We can make tea, taste tea and talk about anything in the future. We hope that in the future, you will have tea as part of your life and may tea brings joy to your daily lives. 


Monday, December 12, 2016

Who are we and how did we start?





Story of KJS Tea House:

Before we tried tea from CBH Tea, our impression of good tea is that it has to be strong, bitter and dark. The darker it is, the more health benefits it has!

Our impression was changed completely after trying its Oriental Beauty Tea & Honey Black Tea last year. The smooth & fragrant taste and smell blew our mind! The experience was an unforgettable one. It has been a fulfilling journey of tea learning!

We have brought this tea all the way from Taiwan to share with our beloved Kuching people. We'd like you to taste them first hand and may it be an enjoyable experience for you as it has been for us - do give it a try!