Monday, August 28, 2017

一片叶子的命运【Life of a piece of leaf】

茶,是一门功夫。来自同一棵茶树的叶子,可以调制出千变万化的香 --- 白茶、绿茶、黄茶、乌龙茶、红茶、黑茶......中国被称为茶的故乡。不仅因为这里的土地孕育出世界最早的茶树,更因为这里的人们将茶视为一种沟通天地的生命。茶,经过水与火,生与死的历练,与我们相遇。茶的命运,也是我们的命运。

Tea, is an art. Leaves from same tea plant can be prepared to bring forth countless aromas --- White Tea, Green Tea, Yellow Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, Dark Tea.... China is known as the home of tea, not only because of soil here that gave birth to the world's first tea plant but more importantly it is because the most people here see tea as a type of connection with life. A piece of tea leaf experiences hardship & rebirth through water & fire until it meets with us. The life of a tea leaf is no different from ours.

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