Tuesday, May 16, 2017

古吉祥茶艺课 KJS Tea Workshop




[KJS Tea Workshop]
Do you know why tea cups are always tiny?
Do you know the difference between drinking with left hand and right hand?
Do you understand water?
Do you know why different water makes tea brew taste differently?
Do you know why we use different tea pots for different tea leaves?
Do you know how to make tea without having to spend on expensive & l  luxurious tea sets?
Do you know what food goes with which tea?
Could tea only be paired with peanuts and melon seeds?

Would you like to find out the answers to these questions? Good news is, Master Yao will be in Kuching on May 28 to reveal the secrets! Seats are limited to 10-12 persons to allow closer interaction with Master Yao. Don’t miss this opportunity! In this Tea Workshop, you will also have a chance to have real life practice with Master Yao onsite to guide you personally!

Let’s join Master Yao on a tea exploration tour on May 28, 2017.
Below is the link to the Workshop enrollment.

课程日期 (Date):        28/05/2017 (Sunday)
时间 (Time):            2.30 PM - 5.00 PM
地点 (Venue):            Hilton Hotel, Kuching
联系电话 (Contacts): 0111 055 3062 (Jennifer)
                                  016 859 9801 (Christine)

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