Thursday, June 8, 2017

「探索幸福之巡礼」 “An Exploration Tour of Contentment”

「探索幸福之巡礼」之茶宴已经圆满完成。感谢当天所有全程来参加的媒体与茶友们。希望通过这次的茶宴和姚老师的解说,引领渐进另外一个美丽的世界。我们将会把当天茶宴的相关过程 po 上,期待大家给予赐教。

Our tea ceremony of “An Exploration Tour of Contentment” was successfully completed. We would like to extend our appreciation to the media and tea lovers who joined us last Sunday. We hope that each of you experienced a sense of contentment and happiness through our tea ceremony coupled with Master Yao's explanation, gradually leading you to another wonderful & beautiful place. We will be sharing the event's pictures soon. Stay tune!

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