Sunday, June 11, 2017

【探索幸福之巡礼】一期一会之茶宴 [An Exploration Tour of Contentement] "One-time-one-meeting" Tea Ceremony

茶宴的前几天,姚老师和古吉祥的团队们一起出发到当地集市去寻找【幸福之来源】。为的是将茶宴融入古晋当地的环境,并以【慈悲书斋】的茶结合当地的食材,以呈现完美的搭配。 其实生活上有很多东西我们都很容易忽略,我们试图在别处寻找幸福,但似乎忘记了它们就在我们身边。



A few days before the Tea Ceremony, Master Yao and KJS headed out to the local markets & supermarkets to find the “source of happiness”, in an attempt to integrate local ingredients & environment to the theme of our tea ceremony. Our attempt is simple – pairing CBH tea to what is available & presenting the Tea Ceremony in what we can obtain around us. In fact, there are many good things in life that we often take for granted. We try to find happiness elsewhere, but seem to forget that it is just around us.

In the Tea Ceremony, our guests were presented with tea dim sums prepared by us, which were from carefully selected ingredients, to compliment the chosen tea we served. In the beautiful decorated setting, the whole tea ceremony evoked pleasure from all senses of our guests: sight, taste, smells, auditory, and most importantly, their hearts. This is where our guests discovered that simple happiness could be felt as long as we choose to enjoy that special moment.

We hope that this is an unforgetable & unique experience for our guests. “One-time; One-meeting“ Tea Ceremony happened for a cause, and thus should be cherished.

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