Thursday, June 8, 2017

古吉祥上报了! KJS is on press release!

经过不懈的努力,古吉祥举办的一期一会茶宴登上了各家报纸的主要版面 – 星洲日报,诗华日报,联合日报和国际时报。 这次茶会于古吉祥具有里程碑式的意义,代表我们在茶艺推广上迈上了一个新的台阶。



请登录 和 古吉祥香坊 KJS Tea House 的脸书了解更多信息。

With determination & relentless effort, KJS Tea Ceremony of "An Exploration Tour of Contentment" made it to the press release in the major newspapers - Sin Chew Daily, See Hua Daily News, United Daily News & International Times! This is of significant milestone for KJS in promoting tea culture, appreciation & art.

We continuously do research, develop and bring in new ideas/concepts in order to integrate tea into our busy schedule with the aim of alleviating our daily lives to have complete enjoyment.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your continuous support & encouragement. We hope you would help share the simple happiness of tea appreciation with your family and friends.

For more information, please visit and/or like us on KJS Tea House facebook.

诗华日报报导 See Hua Daily News Press Release

联合日报报导 United Daily News Press Release

星洲日报报导 Sin Chew Daily Press Release

国际时报报导  International Times Press Release

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