Monday, March 13, 2017

2017 冬入春:茶艺特训 2017 Winter-Spring: Special Tea Immersion Classes



为了呈现更完美的茶给大家, 我们再次去台湾请老师赐教茶艺。老师拿出了很多私人珍藏品让我们品尝。 在看老师行茶的过程中,我们原本紧张的心开始慢慢放松柔软了。 观茶,清澈晶亮的茶汤净化了我们的心绪; 品茶,让我们仿佛置身山水之间,那清朗的气息着实沁人心脾。喝的不仅只是一杯茶、也是品尝生活的滋味 。一杯茶让我们找回忙碌时忘了的幸福。

课程的最后一天,老师特别带我们来到宁静的山顶。我们倚靠着椅背,静观远方千变万化的云海,静心感受绵延山峦静幽处,一股幸福感忽然涌上心头。虽然很快就要回到原来忙碌的生活中,但这次,却带着些许不一样的心境。 原来细心体会,幸福就在生活里。

A friend once said "Happiness is simple when one is young. As one gets older, one will appreciate simplicity on its own is happiness."

The above saying may sound like abstract concept, thus We'd like to share with you how this abstract notion become very real to us in a recent trip that we had and appreciate what it means on a deeper level.

We went to Taiwan for an intensive immersion classes to equip ourselves with more tea knowledge and skills. Teacher shared many of his treasured valuable personal collection of tea with us. Watching the beautiful flow of the tea ceremony that Teacher performed strangely transported us to a place of ease. The aesthetics tranquility of the ceremony engaged our senses. The sight of Teacher's composure and quietness demeanor combined with olfactory and taste sensation alleviated us to have a complete enjoyment. Tea appreciation is a chance to slow down and pull back from our busy schedule. Just a simple cup of tea keeps the palace of our soul serene. Such is simple happiness.

Towards the end of the training, Teacher brought us for a short rustic peaceful retreat at mountain top. Leaning against the back of chairs, we gazed in awe at the nirvana quiet mountains as dove white clouds swept across...changing as they moved through the mountains. Such breathtaking view! Just one word to describe --- beautiful. This simple bliss was felt because we chose to enjoy that very moment we had.

Although we are now back in the busyness of life, we learnt to make time to enjoy simple things in life. Simple happiness is in our life every day... just waiting for us to recognize it!
KJS looks forward to share and appreciate this Simple Happiness together with you!



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