Sunday, March 26, 2017

Little Sarah loves her tea

茶会当天, 这位可爱的小女孩, 莎拉,一直在我身旁。三不五时拍拍我,跟我说她想要喝茶。她边喝边跳舞。我问她为什么这么开心?她说:“茶好好喝,我还要~”。 她最爱喝的是东方美人茶和蜜香红茶。 


While going through the photos taken during our recent tea event, a few photos stand out and looking at them, it all came flooding back. 

There was this carefree little Sarah who would happily hang around us. She would nudge me every now requesting me to refill her empty cups. Her face could be beaming with joy as she drank the tea like a fish. When asked why was she so happy, her response was they are yummy-ious! 

She fell in love with CBH's Oriental Beauty Tea and Honey Black Tea for its natural sweet and fruit smell. In today's world when most kids would be indulging in sugary drinks, it is such a joy to hear this!

Little Sarah enjoying her tea

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