Tuesday, July 4, 2017

古吉祥7月份茶宴 【KJS Tea Ceremony in July】




茶宴时间定在7月29日(周六)。茶友们速速报名,名额有限先来先得。关于更多茶宴的信息, 我们会后续公布。有兴趣者可以联系我们。

If you missed KJS tea ceremony in May 2017, don’t be despair! We will have another tea ceremony in July!

Many tea lovers expressed to us that they felt disappointed for not being able to participate in the tea ceremony due to limited number of seats, and were asking about our next event.

As KJS hopes to promote simple happiness through tea & tea ceremony, we decided to pursue this simple happiness on behalf. We went to Taipei several times to invite Master Yao to visit Kuching again. After shuffling his busy schedule, Master Yao has finally accepted our invitation!

KJS will hold another tea ceremony on July 29 (Saturday). Please note that the seats are LIMITED and it is at FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVE basis. Please grab your seat as quickly as possible! We will post more detail of the tea ceremony soon. If you are interested, please feel free to drop us a message!

We look forward to meeting you all :)

Let's tea it

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