Tuesday, July 11, 2017

【一期一会】茶宴 【One-time-one-meeting】Tea Ceremony:


“一期”表示人的一生;“一会”则意味仅有一次的相会。为此作为主人的古吉祥尽心招待客人而不可有半点马虎,希望客人也能理解主人之心意,并将主人的一片心意铭记于心中,因此主客皆以诚相待。 “一期一会”提醒人们要珍惜每个瞬间的机缘,并为人生中可能仅有的一次相会,付出全部的心力;若因漫不经心轻忽了眼前所有,那会是比擦身而过更为深刻的遗憾。 故主人用心奉茶,客人用心品饮。


古吉祥将于7月29日(周六)举办一场让你毕生难忘的茶宴,并有幸邀请到来自台北的姚昆哲老师引领渐进另外美丽的世界~ 名额有限,不要因为错过而留下遗憾。请大家速速跟我们报名~ 如果有任何问题,欢迎联系我们~

Do you know?
The term “one-time” means that “one’s whole lifetime”; “one-meeting” means the only time we meet. And it is translated into "once in a lifetime" or "for this time only" - meaning one's realization & experience during a tea ceremony will never be replicated. Thus, KJS, as the Host, devotes whole-heartedly to entertain our guests, hoping our guests would appreciate & remember such thoughts of the Host. This is the principle of “one-time; one-meeting” tea ceremony.

"One-time; One-meeting" reminds people to cherish every moment that we have and be able to grasp & give the best from potentially the only chance that we meet. Otherwise, we may live in regrets. Because of this principle, the host serves tea whole heartedly while the guest enjoys it with his/her heart. Any moment in life should be treasured.

Don't miss KJS tea ceremony in July if you would like to find out the unique experience of "one-time-one-meeting"! The theme of our tea ceremony will give you a pleasant surprise.

KJS will hold another tea ceremony on July 29 (Saturday) which will bring you this memorable experience. We are fortunate to be able to invite Master Yao again all the way from Taipei to lead us to a wonderful & beautiful place that we long to go. You will definitely enjoy every moment with us.

Seat is limited & don't miss the opportunity to experience a once in a lifetime experience. Please contact us for more detail & registration.

Handmade by KJS

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