Wednesday, July 19, 2017

「镜花水月」「Mirror Flower Water Moon」







The theme of the coming Tea Ceremony is finally set! It has a beautiful name, called:

「Mirror Flower Water Moon」

After KJS' Tea Ceremony in May 2017 made it to the press release in the major newspapers, coupled with receiving very good response from the tea lovers, thus, we have decided to hold another tea ceremony so that more people are able to experience this unique tour of contentment.

After our many visits to Taipei to invite Master Yao to come to Kuching once again, finally Master Yao was able to adjust his busy schedule and agreed to visit Kuching again!

The Tea Ceremony will be on July 29 (Saturday) and will be led by Master Yao to bring us to another beautiful & wonderful place. The theme of our tea ceremony this time is called "Mirror Flower Water Moon". With our creativity coupled with the focus on detail, you will be sure to have a unique experience of tea’ing. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Seats are LIMITED! Please feel free to contact us for inquiry & registration.

Don’t miss out. 

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